Tracking and recording all phases and entities in the investment process.
Developing an information system with predefined relationships of public data.
Automated services for processing combinations of input values.
Solution to Your Problem is Our Goal
The information system is based on the application of unique knowledge and the use of new technologies to permanently solve specific classes of problems in the construction industry.
The logic is as follows: if regulations have defined the way activities are executed, it is necessary to study the algorithms and patterns by which certain things happen and program them so that the computer can automatically perform a multitude of predefined processes.
The information system enables problem-solving in all phases of the investment and operational processes.
Modern digital services allow the implementation of blockchain technology, which can capture, store, and enhance all knowledge available to humankind.
Databases: users, locations, objects, materials, works, and regulations.
Service applications: timeline, locator, calculator.
Content Management System (CMS) - Data input and control from databases.
Virtual market specialized for construction industry, for full maintainance of digital assets.
The application provides the capability for any entity registered in the database to be accessed, have its value changed, updated, and applied in related processes. All activities are predefined, and the program tracks all associated procedures from filling out request forms to generating reports. This ensures a comprehensive overview of documentation and the ability to manage it throughout the process. Tools have been developed to display various parts of the system through graphical, numerical, and textual data.
The application utilizes blockchain technology operating on a decentralized network. The network consists of connected units - nodes with the ability to receive, process, and send data. The data and transactions generated in the information system are generic and occur promptly in response to user input. When a user changes a value in the application, the updated information is distributed to all nodes in the system. The system and its data are protected by cryptographic technology.
Complete market of goods and services
Interaction among process participants occurs in the marketplace through a series of predefined procedures in compliance with regulations. Users can buy and sell goods and services according to standards set by government institutions, with the program archiving all records and documentation on a decentralized network. The issue of paper documentation is permanently resolved. The marketplace offers buyers the opportunity to participate in the exchange of goods and services as sellers or buyers. Transactions are conducted using cryptocurrencies, all based on blockchain technology and its associated benefits.
Full control over all phases of the investment process
In the application, users are defined as individuals and legal entities, objects as entities with their units and elements. The program manages the organization of relationships between entities, a clear and transparent flow of information, and provides clear and usable reports on the project situation at any given moment. Instantaneous change and updating of information in all network nodes with each change in any position in the system. Users receive complete information at all times and have the ability to actively participate in the process through the marketplace.
Verification protocol
Utilize services to participate in investment process
Certified legal entities that implement the investment process
Georeferenced data ofEarth surface area
Physical, technological and functionalentity on the ground
Substance or mixture of substancesthat constitues an object
Changing parameters of materialsby proccessing with tools
Systematic way to assign a number to activity as a result
Explore list of solutions
- Preparatory
- Research
- Demolition
- Earthworks
- Masonry
- Concrete
- Carpentry
- Roofing
- Insulation
- Joinery
- Woodworking
- Locksmith
- Sheet Metal
- Glass Cutting
- Tiling
- Carpentry
- Stonecutting
- Parquetry
- Floor Installation
- Upholstery
- Roller Shutter
- Dry Construction
- Plastering
- Facade
- Engraving
- Painting
- Casting
- Miscellaneous
- Plumbing
- Sewerage
- Sanitary
- Rest
Our System Service Tools
A service that displays the time associated with content.
A service that displays the location associated with content.
A service that displays the content of the database and implements predefined processes.
Used tools and services


Google Maps

GEO Srbija

Gio UI

Libre Office


From The Blog
Meet Our Clients and Partners

Google Maps
Google Maps is a Web-based service that provides detailed information about geographical regions and sites around the world. In addition to conventional road maps, Google Maps offers aerial and satellite views of many places. In some cities, Google Maps offers street views comprising photographs taken from vehicles.
GEO Srbija
The National Geospatial Data Infrastructure currently enables the transfer of data from the address register, the administrative unit registry and the digital cadastral map over the network, with geometry in the UTM projection.
Gio UI
Gio is a library for writing cross-platform immediate mode GUI-s in Go. It combines bleeding-edge 2D graphics technology with the flexibility of the immediate mode graphics paradigm to create a compelling and consistent foundation for application development.
Libre Office
Libre ofis je programski paket otvorenog koda namenjen uređivačkoj obradi podataka. On je razvijen od strane Zadužbine dokumenata kao novi slobodni paket umesto postojećeg
ГрапхКЛ је језик за упите и манипулацију подацима отвореног кода за АПИ-је и време извођења за испуњавање упита са постојећим подацима.
Building information modeling (BIM) is a process supported by various tools, technologies and contracts involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of places.
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